Signs Hinting a Senior’s Need for Personal Care at Home


As your loved ones age, a health plan in place is essential for them. However, most seniors will refuse additional care and assistance for fear that they cannot be as independent as they once were. So, make sure you understand the signs that your loved ones need home health care in Massachusetts.

  • Memory lapses

    Are your loved ones confused about which medicines to take? Do they forget to pay their bills? Forgetfulness may be a sign of Dementia or Alzheimer’s. If you notice their memory issues, it’s probably the best time to seek professional help from caregivers.

  • Poor personal hygiene

    Hygiene is crucial as your loved ones age. But if they neglect their hygiene routine and go about their day with untidy hair, unbrushed teeth, dirty clothes, foul body odor, and dirty hands and nails, it’s time to call care professionals. Caregivers can assist them with their hygiene tasks every day.

  • Unhealthy meals

    Just like hygiene, eating healthy meals is also crucial in senior health. Lack of proper nutrition can have physical, mental, and emotional repercussions on their health. When seniors are not eating regularly, stacking unhealthy foods in the pantry, and skipping meals, it’s time to seek professional help.

Patient Care Solutions LLC offers custodial or respite care for the elderly or individuals with a disability. We will work with you to evaluate the level of care you need, from meal preparation to homecare services in Danvers, Massachusetts. Allow us to be there and assist you in your needs. Give us a call at 781-595-0311 for more information about our services.

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